AAFCO is dedicated to providing resources and training information to support regulatory feed laboratory activities and initiatives.
Basic Laboratory Competency
Ethics and Data Integrity
Method Validation and Verification
Laboratory Safety
Unit Conversions and Calculations
ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation Resources
Vendor Training Resources
Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Learning Center
Looking for Method Specific Training Resources?
The AAFCO Laboratory Methods & Services Committee would like to know what specific training needs State, Federal, local, tribal and industry laboratory analysts and laboratory managers are interested in. Please submit the following form so we may be able to create future workshops, courses, webinars, or one on one trainings.
AAFCO Laboratory Methods & Services Committee Request for Training Form
Instructions: This form must be approved by your Laboratory Supervisor prior to submittal. Submittal of this form does not guarantee that training will be provided but will be used to assess the need for future and current training.